Become Successfully In Love®

Because you deserve to find your life partner today

Successful executives and entrepreneurs:

You can be as accomplished in your relationships as you are in your career.

The achievements. The lifestyle. The person to share it all with.

But sometimes you feel disheartened. You feel confused and frustrated with the lack of meaningful relationships in your life.

It’s time to finally stop doing life alone. 

John Gray Portrait

“Katarina's approach to gender dynamics is modern, progressive, and perfect for the high-achiever demographic she supports. She understands their needs like no other.”

John Gray, Author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, the most well-known and trusted relationship book of all time, and one of USA Today’s top 10 most influential books of the last 25 years.

Hi, I'm Katarina

I am the Founder of the Successfully in Love® Method and a High-Performance Relationship Coach (University of Oxford M.St, ICF ACC).

I’ve been studying how to create healthy, flourishing relationships for over 15+ years. Before becoming an ICF Accredited Coach and integrated attachment theory practitioner, I was a Regional Vice President of a Global Behavioral Science firm, consulting Fortune 1,000 companies on high-performance workplace relationships. I'm also a peer-reviewed academic in Masculinity, have a Masters with Distinction in Gender studies from the University of Oxford, and a DEI Certification from the University of Cambridge.

Yet, when I was 31, I went through the heartbreak of calling off my own engagement, despite thinking I had done everything right in my own relationship. Fast-forward 11 months of solitary yet focused soul-searching, I found my husband and felt inspired to help other accomplished professionals find their life partners.

Now, I have a comprehensive methodology that’s helped 100s of high-performance men & women like you do the same - without the painful frustration, guesswork, and trial and error I had to go through.

So if you’re looking for clear, intelligent, and tangible support that’s rooted in proven behavioral science to help you become Successfully in Love® and create your ultimate relationship - you’re in the right place.

If this is you, you’re not alone:

Katarina Headshot

You’re always left feeling a little bit unsure or disappointed with dates…you want to make it finally work but worry you might be compromising and ending up in the wrong relationship


Dating is starting to feel like another ‘to-do’ item on your long list of things to get done


You’re pretty sure you’re doing everything right but beginning to question why you haven’t found them yet


You’ve tried therapy, binged on YouTube and Instagram content, read self-help books and blogs…but still aren’t sure why it isn’t working for you


You’re worried that maybe it’s getting too late and you’ve missed the boat on finding your true life partner


It’s time to attract your ultimate relationship — and my Science of Attraction based 3-phase process is a proven way to do that

Phase 1 - Stop self-sabotaging
Phase 2 - Get crystal clear on what you want and need

Charlie Hart, Founder and CEO

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