Blog Posts

Can you keep your new year resolutions?
Relationship to Others, Relationship to Self Katarina Polonska Relationship to Others, Relationship to Self Katarina Polonska

Can you keep your new year resolutions?

We’re in week 2 of 2024.

I’m so curious: how is it going for you?

Are you still full of joy and excitement, eager to tackle your goals, wake up at the crack of dawn to get going, and zoom through everything you want to get done?

Or have you slowly reverted back to your old life? Your normal life? Your December 2023 self, as if nothing had really changed? (Because in many ways, it hasn’t?)

Have your resolutions gradually fallen by the wayside? The shiny feeling of 2024 worn off already?

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2024 is here. What are you calling in?
Relationship to Others, Relationship to Self Katarina Polonska Relationship to Others, Relationship to Self Katarina Polonska

2024 is here. What are you calling in?

So here we have it. 2024 is here.

As I write, on the 2nd of January, 2024, I feel a delicious sense of possibility. Openness. Expansion. A sense of wonder at what will come. With the whole year ahead of us, each month a new page that remains yet unwritten, we welcome in a clean slate, a fresh start.

Whilst I’m not a huge believer in New Year Resolutions, recognizing how frequently we fail to keep them and how unproductive that subsequent shame spiral is, I am a big believer in fresh starts. And what is a new year, if not a beautiful, long opportunity for a fresh start?

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How do I build an action plan? I have an idea - what next?
Relationship to Self, Relationship to Others Katarina Polonska Relationship to Self, Relationship to Others Katarina Polonska

How do I build an action plan? I have an idea - what next?

Insight is nothing without action. We can have all the clarity in the world about what does and doesn’t work for us, but if we don’t put it into motion, it’s just an idea. The things we struggle to get clarity over – the important things in life – are often the hardest things to build action plans around. If it was easy, we would have likely pulled together a grand strategy and executed. With low stakes come low risks.

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