Katarina Polonska Coaching

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2024 is here. What are you calling in?

So here we have it. 2024 is here. 

As I write, on the 2nd of January, 2024, I feel a delicious sense of possibility. Openness. Expansion. A sense of wonder at what will come. With the whole year ahead of us, each month a new page that remains yet unwritten, we welcome in a clean slate, a fresh start.

Whilst I’m not a huge believer in New Year Resolutions, recognizing how frequently we fail to keep them and how unproductive that subsequent shame spiral is, I am a big believer in fresh starts. And what is a new year, if not a beautiful, long opportunity for a  fresh start?

So as we look to this new year, this shiny 2024 lying ahead of us, my curiosity goes less to what are you resolving, but what are you calling in?

What do I mean by calling in?

What I mean is, what are you inviting in? What are you intending for your life? What are you looking to create, to see, to hear, to consciously look for? What are you willing to relax your heart, release your defences, get out of your own way, and let yourself receive?

There is a difference between making a resolution, which requires force of will, making yourself do something and committing to that…and calling something in. 

When we make a resolution, we are operating from a place of forcefulness. Of gearing ourselves up to do something. Of making something happen. There’s control here, control and force. Which, as we know from experience, often falls short. Because the reality is we cannot control everything. Resolutions tend to come from the ego, from the mind, from the rational part of ourselves that believes it knows best. And our rational mind can often be swayed by external forces. Things can get in the way. Work, finances, commitments to others. Rationally speaking, we are always performing, doing, producing. And our priorities and agendas change.  When we are reporting to investors or chasing monetary rewards, this isn’t the safest or most solid place from within which to build your life. 

But calling something in…well, that comes from a deeper place. That comes from the heart, from a place of the spirit, from a relaxation of our forcing, controlling, cajoling of life. It comes from breathing a sigh of relief, leaning back, and relaxing into what is - and allowing our heart to open, and allowing ourselves to receive. 

This is a much, much more powerful place to operate from. 

Because the reality is, the things that we yearn for most in our lives, the things that we desire in our deepest heart, the things that our souls crave, these things are beyond any mere resolution or act of the rational mind. These things are there, buried within you, and yearning to lead you forward. 

So when I ask you, what are you calling in for 2024?

Is it calling in more rest, revitalisation, better health of your body and spirit?

Is it more creativity, more life force, more zest and juiciness in your life as you tap into your spirit?

Or is it, as so many of us yearn for, more love, more connection, more nourishment of your heart?

When you lean back, relax your ego, open your heart, and connect to your spirit - what is it that you are yearning to call in for 2024?

My hunch is that it isn’t going to be locking down a corporate promotion, making an extra 100k or buying a new Chanel handbag. 

No, your soul, your spirit, your deepest heart yearns for something deeper. And my hunch is, as a human being, who is innately wired for connection and built for love, that you’re yearning to call in more of the stuff that gives our lives meaning. Really, the meaning of life itself - love.

So as you think about what you want to call in for 2024, what is that?

What are you calling in when you allow yourself to call in what you yearn for most?

When you get out of your own way, stop playing small, stop being content with just business objectives and professional goals…

What happens when you let yourself go deeper and let yourself tap into your heart?

What is it that you really want to call in for 2024?

No objections, no limitations, no fears, no barriers…

What is it that you are aching for, what is it that you are almost too scared to call in but know, deep down, it’s what you really, really want?

What happens when you let yourself think big, dream big, go deep, and be a little bit vulnerable?

What’s lying there deep within your heart waiting to be revealed? To be heard?

What are you calling in for 2024?

I know for me, after the chaos of 2023, the professional stresses, the financial worries, the endless list of to-do items that never seem to go away, for me, 2024 is the year that I am calling in more love. 

Love for myself, love for my partner, love for my family.

I am calling in a healthier relationship to myself, one where I am prioritising my need for rest, creativity, and authentic connection. Listening to myself, responding to my needs, and giving myself what I yearn for. One where my days are filled with moments of pleasure, of soaking in the joy of being alive, the privilege of my hot cup of coffee, my warm blanket, my laptop beneath my view over the Talamanca hills of beautiful Ibiza. 

I am calling in a healthier relationship to my partner. One where we are slowing down, being more intentional with the life that we are creating together, one where we refuse to settle for average or just floating through life, but seek to create the most nourishing and soul enriching relationship of our lives, where we are both free to be our most unfettered selves, and held up to reach our goals, achieve our dreams, and live our lives with the upmost intention and commitment to consciousness, to living fully. One where we do not take our love for granted, but recognise how much hard inner work it took us both to find each other, and to create this life that we are building. 

I am calling in nourishing relationships to my family members, and to my friends - where I am prioritising connection, listening, and supporting them. So that I can serve them deeply. So that I can help them achieve their potential, love them fully and build joyous memories this year. 

And of course, this year, I am so deeply excited to be calling in the highest of service to my clients. Calling in the highest of service to my clients and potential clients that I serve with every fibre of my being. To help ambitious professionals like you find the love of your life, to create your ultimate relationship, and to hold our hands through the inner journey that we all have to go through if we want to find the right life partner for ourselves. 

So what are you calling in for 2024?

If 2024 is the year you want to call in your your life partner, the right life partner, the soulmate connection that you’ve been seeking - the ultimate relationship - not the one where you settle, or where they feel ‘okay’, or where things are ‘fine’ but the one where they are in complete and utter alignment with who you are and what you want out of life…the one where they are everything you’ve dreamed of, craved, and more - then I can help you.

It isn’t too good to be true. It isn’t impossible.

It is perfectly possible. It is perfectly doable. I’ve helped so, so, so many ambitious executives and entrepreneurs like you create the most nourishing life long connections of their lives - and I can help you too.

DM me ‘2024’ if this is what you’re calling in.

All my love and devotion,

Katarina x