Blog Posts

“Is this it?” Why it’s important to act & we have less time than we think

“Is this it?” Why it’s important to act & we have less time than we think

Ostensibly, I had it all. The apartment, the beautiful city to live in, the well-paid job that I loved, the instagram-perfect relationship, the big overseas wedding planned. But with the silence that came with the solitude of the pandemic, the inner voice inside grew louder. And so my Covid experience, whilst incredibly isolating, was a period of intense self-connection.

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What do I do next in my career? How to figure it out

What do I do next in my career? How to figure it out

Often the totally rational decisions we make are so logical and calculated that they are removed from who we truly are. They make us out like chess pieces, bizarre little pawns in the world of corporate, making moves that will win us points and get us up the ladder...they miss the other parts of us that are equally important: our hearts, our desires, and our very real physical needs.

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What has connection got to do with sales?

What has connection got to do with sales?

Strengthening sales folk to become go-getters, sales champions, and challengers necessitates teaching effective communication, active listening, building rapport, and networking. This has historically been helpful in terms of arming your sales teams with the necessary relationship building skills to go and close those deals, but it’s typically fallen short…

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Where does the body, embodied cognition, embodiment, and gut instinct come in?

Where does the body, embodied cognition, embodiment, and gut instinct come in?

Since the body perceives, takes in and processes everything around us, the body can therefore be seen as the best source of self-information for each individual. Our minds filter information based on our mental map, but the body, fueled by our subconscious, is constantly taking it all in. It is also connected to our deepest sense of self, to our deepest fears, truths and desires.

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What is Transformative Coaching? And solutions-focused coaching? What about other forms of coaching?

What is Transformative Coaching? And solutions-focused coaching? What about other forms of coaching?

Rooted in modern humanistic coaching, it believes your paradigm, inner world of beliefs, assumptions, values, and expectations, hold the key to unlocking greater possibilities for ways of being in life….using your own inner potential, help you source new solutions. In other words, transformative coaching helps fish see the water that they don’t know they are swimming in.

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