Katarina Polonska Coaching

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“When will I be ready to meet my life partner? Is there ever a right time?”&nbsp;</span>

A terrible false belief I hear a lot of is:


"Now isn't the right time for me to focus on my relationships. I need to get my life/work/investments/home in order first, and then I'll look at them". 

Sigh. Ooooh sigh. 

Alright, let’s break this down. 

What comes first, a strong relationship with yourself where you know yourself inside out, have clarity and vision around what you need and what you want out of your life, plus a beautifully clear strategy 


Accredited professional support with proven behavioural science methodology to help you figure it all out, know what you don't know, and get there quickly? 

If you're thinking you can get your life together before hiring qualified support, you probably have it backwards. 

And I get it - most successful folks believe that they can solve for things on their own. 

The difference betweens successful folks and the ultra-successful is that the ultra-successful invest in outside help. 

(This is where my own life sky-rocketed.) 

Executive coaching, financial advice, personal trainers, and, yes, you've guessed right - relationship coaching. 

Sure, they might not talk about it or yell it from the rooftops - I get it, that's my job. I work in this field. I gave up my corporate life for this field. I am extremely, extremely passionate about getting people the support they deserve in this field .

It's personal, intimate, and it might even feel a bit taboo, but I guarantee you ask any successful executive whether they've had help with their dating and relationships, and the ones you want to follow in the footsteps of will say a resounding 'YES'. Many will also tell you they've had marital counselling when things got too bad...and that they wished they'd taken preventative measures before it got to that point. 


How many people have helped you get to where you are now? 

How many shoulders have you stood upon to reach your heights? 

I'm guessing there will be a fair few. 

So why would strengthening your relationships be any different? 

The beautiful thing is: The journey to strengthening your relationships starts with strengthening your relationship to yourself. And that means looking at your life more broadly and making sure it all aligns in the best way for you... Because that's where the right relationships will flourish best 

The right relationship coach won't just be looking at your relationships but will be looking at helping you in a more integrated, systematic way - so that your whole life, your career, your wealth, your health, all improve. 

Because it all starts with that crucial relationship to yourself. In my behavioural science of attraction methodology, I help you look at everything from your relationship to yourself, to what you attract into your life, to how you create your daily routine, your money, work, career, home life ...because it's all interconnected.

So if not now, when? What are you waiting for?