Blog Posts

Why is self-connection important? Part 2
Connection to Self Katarina Polonska Connection to Self Katarina Polonska

Why is self-connection important? Part 2

Without a deep, authentic, whole-hearted connection to yourself, you cannot know yourself fully. When you do not know yourself fully, all of the decisions you make, relationships you build, work you pursue, and life you create is coming from a disconnected place. They are not in full integrity with who you are at your core. Coming from this space, they are likely to be superficial solutions to what you think you want, need, and believe…

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Why is self-connection important? Part 1
Connection to Self Katarina Polonska Connection to Self Katarina Polonska

Why is self-connection important? Part 1

Almost every founder, leader, and professional I worked with wanted to improve their sense of balance, clarity, and direction in life. To get really clear on where they’re going next, whether they’re the right person to take on a certain task or mission, and make better decisions. De-risking the process was always important, and taking manageable micro-steps forward to begin moving the needle on the changes they wanted to see, was also key.

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What has connection got to do with sales?

What has connection got to do with sales?

Strengthening sales folk to become go-getters, sales champions, and challengers necessitates teaching effective communication, active listening, building rapport, and networking. This has historically been helpful in terms of arming your sales teams with the necessary relationship building skills to go and close those deals, but it’s typically fallen short…

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