Blog Posts

How do I build an action plan? I have an idea - what next?
Relationship to Self, Relationship to Others Katarina Polonska Relationship to Self, Relationship to Others Katarina Polonska

How do I build an action plan? I have an idea - what next?

Insight is nothing without action. We can have all the clarity in the world about what does and doesn’t work for us, but if we don’t put it into motion, it’s just an idea. The things we struggle to get clarity over – the important things in life – are often the hardest things to build action plans around. If it was easy, we would have likely pulled together a grand strategy and executed. With low stakes come low risks.

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Why do hardworking high achievers struggle so much with relationships?
Connection to Self, Connection to Others Katarina Polonska Connection to Self, Connection to Others Katarina Polonska

Why do hardworking high achievers struggle so much with relationships?

For those that are single, there’s a quiet, burning ache to find a partner. A longing, a yearning, a desire to find that connection. Dates can feel fun and can be exciting, but they rarely really scratch that itch. Rarely do they bring the deep connection that we crave. In the back of our minds, we wonder – is this it?

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Can I trust my gut instinct about my relationship? Why discernment is important
Connection to Self, Connection to Others Katarina Polonska Connection to Self, Connection to Others Katarina Polonska

Can I trust my gut instinct about my relationship? Why discernment is important

I will never forget going to my coach, feeling unsure and unclear about what to do about my first engagement. Everything on the surface looked right, but inside I felt tremendous anxiety – and I couldn't shake out exactly why. We had the picture perfect relationship and everyone seemed to envy the life we lived, so why did I lie awake at night wondering, "Is this really it?"

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