Blog Posts

Am I destined to die alone? What the science says
Relationship to Self, Relationship to Others Katarina Polonska Relationship to Self, Relationship to Others Katarina Polonska

Am I destined to die alone? What the science says

I remember when I began to seriously think that this might happen to me. I was asking my friend if she believes people actually do die alone, whilst we walked through Stanley Park in Vancouver one cloudy, autumnal afternoon. She met my gaze with a bemused expression, blinking back at me as she uttered, But of course.”

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Why is what I’m trying not working? Common steps I see high achievers doing in their dating.
Relationship to Self, Relationship to Others Katarina Polonska Relationship to Self, Relationship to Others Katarina Polonska

Why is what I’m trying not working? Common steps I see high achievers doing in their dating.

Finding a partner is one of (if not the) most important decisions we will ever make in our lives. Endless studies show it affects our health, wellbeing, finances, business, and whole future. Something so high stakes and important seems too important to just leave to chance. Yet no one stops to guide us - and those who do, often operate from a pretty toxic place of superficial advice, short-term solutions, and rarely get the drive and ambition behind our goals.

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How do I stop self-sabotaging?
Connection to Self Katarina Polonska Connection to Self Katarina Polonska

How do I stop self-sabotaging?

Our minds are so good at spinning up stories that terrify us. From projections of ‘what if?’, perpetually living in the future, worst case scenarios, hypothetical nightmares, and the general feeling that ‘this could go horribly wrong’, we have a lot of things we need to protect ourselves against. Pair this with criticism by people we love and respect, and a foreboding awareness that we’re doing something people might not understand, it’s no wonder we fear rocking the boat.

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