Blog Posts
How can I end the feeling of uncertainty and indecision in my relationship?
One of the hardest things we can experience in a relationship is the feeling of uncertainty and indecision. When we feel stuck in a state of limbo, unable to move forward and relax into the relationship, or unable to exit and start our life anew, we can feel trapped.
It can feel exhausting, in fact.
“I don’t have time to look at my relationship” - Why the myth of ‘not having enough time’ is a dangerous one.
If you’re anything like most people you have focused on your professional life - and your love life has always been a bit confusing and vague.
A mythic, romantic, enigma.
You’ve tried to understand it.
You’ve done some therapy or counseling, read blogs, listened to podcasts, and whatever other things you’ve done to try to heal your relationships.
It can feel chaotic and stressful to be honest.
A bit all over the place.
4 signs you’re potentially self-sabotaging your relationship…and would benefit from doing some inner work
This is an unconscious pattern of self abandonment that stems from fearing abandonment and therefore, being addicted, unconsciously, to that very same pattern. This NEEDS to change if you want to see the truth of your relationship. Because when you transform this pattern, you step up into your potential to ask for what you want and need, for what you deserve, and actually communicate that effectively…so that they can hear it. You also create healthy boundaries that mean you stop tolerating bad behavior which increases the chances of them giving you good behavior.
Why Matchmaking alone won’t work for you. Or, why taking short-cuts with your love life is an awful idea.
One of the most depressing things that I hear on a nearly weekly basis is when potential clients tell me that they’d rather invest into a Matchmaker than work with a coach.
Second most depressing thing, is when people ask me when I’ll start doing my own matchmaking service. Heck, it’s the same thing as coaching, right?
Absolutely not.
In fact, it’s in wild opposition to coaching.
How do I stop self-sabotaging?
Our minds are so good at spinning up stories that terrify us. From projections of ‘what if?’, perpetually living in the future, worst case scenarios, hypothetical nightmares, and the general feeling that ‘this could go horribly wrong’, we have a lot of things we need to protect ourselves against. Pair this with criticism by people we love and respect, and a foreboding awareness that we’re doing something people might not understand, it’s no wonder we fear rocking the boat.