Blog Posts

Why are we all burned out? What can we do about it?
Connection to Self, Connection to Others Katarina Polonska Connection to Self, Connection to Others Katarina Polonska

Why are we all burned out? What can we do about it?

If I am oblivious to the internal drivers within me, the things I ‘need’ to thrive, it follows then that I am likely to miss opportunities to satisfy these drivers. It also follows, that in my bid to achieve, or please others, or fulfil expectations, I might completely neglect these areas – my needs, without even realising.

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Symptoms of burnout: founders, leaders, high-achievers, type A’s…what should we look out for?
Connection to Self Katarina Polonska Connection to Self Katarina Polonska

Symptoms of burnout: founders, leaders, high-achievers, type A’s…what should we look out for?

It doesn’t demand McKinsey style workweeks or PhDs, nor does it exclusively happen to high-achievers and type A’s. Unfortunately, with the current cultural sentiments around anxiety as all part of the “new normal”, burnout has slunk into the background as something we all hear about, but rarely give attention to.

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What are Some of the Best Relationship Books? Here’s 6 to Consider
Damian Yearwood Damian Yearwood

What are Some of the Best Relationship Books? Here’s 6 to Consider

In what ways are we making our partner feel loved, even as we balance the demands of work and our own needs? When we are seeking clarity on life’s tough decisions, we can, and should, turn to professionals to help guide us, but we should also expand our mind by picking up a good book

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What is Embodied Integrity?
Connection to Self Katarina Polonska Connection to Self Katarina Polonska

What is Embodied Integrity?

To be honest, whole, and undivided; to be a tangible or visible form. In other words, to be an honest, whole and tangible form of you. Not somebody else, not living a lie, not abiding by societal messages, cultural pressure or ‘shoulds’, but a whole and solid version of you. That is embodied integrity.

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